
4.3 ( 9083 ratings )
Lifestyle Catalogi
Developer: Digiwork

"AlleView Scan helps you identify offers/products in Radio/TV Commercial,Billboard, Printed Advertisment (Magazine, Brochure) and product package.
In seconds you will be taken to the product or offer website.
Once scan is recognized inside the app, you can see the list of last 2000 recognized scans and visit the links.

* Scan radio commercial and be taken to offer in one click.
* Scan TV commercial and access promo in one simple step
* Scan your favorite Billboard and access the information on your phone in matter of seconds
* Reading through your favorite magazine access the interactive ads and save the information on your phone for easy access.

No need of QR Code or any change to graphics.

Use AlleView Scan as much as you like – it’s unlimited."